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Q4 is here... Let's go

Q4 is here. For those tracking behind ambitious annual goals: it's time to see what we're made of.


I don't want to hear about:

→ Your math on close rates & pipeline

[Change the math]

→ How long your sales cycle is

[Find ways to accelerate]

→ How tough your Q1-Q3 was

[that's the past, Q4 is NOW]


Do you know how many underdogs

came back to win their game in the 4th quarter?

Do you know how good that feels?

As an operating exec,

and now as an independent operating partner

I've seen (and made) this happen time and again:

>>>> The Q4 comeback <<<<


• Don't get desperate, get creative.

• Don't get discouraged, get energized

• Don't set lower expectations, increase activity

This isn't some Tony Robbins BS.

This is how high performers think.

If you're feeling cynical while reading this,

then it's likely all downhill from here, and

▶️ we need to chat ◀️

"El. Eff. Gee."

#Revenue | Profit | People



Ready to Accelerate Growth in Revenue, Profit, or People?


Set up an exploratory call

Thank you. We'll reach out shortly.

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