Research shows 75% of org-wide 'Strategic Initiatives' fail. This ~2 min video covers the ONE factor that...
... has the highest impact on flipping from:
🔴 75% fail rate 🔴 → (to) → 🟢 75% success rate 🟢
There are 9 other factors covered as well.
🟩🟩🟩 ACTION 🟩🟩🟩
Take any strategic initiative you currently have
and score each of the 10 factors on a scale of:
• 0 (none)
• 1 (low)
• 2 (med)
• 3 (high)
Sum it up and divide your total by 30.
What % are you at?
with a critical Strategic Initiative that
isn't unfolding as you would like (or need)...
and we can discuss how to implement a framework
known to get things on the right track.