"Very specific, very clear actions that will definitively move the ball forward on this issue." This is often what...
...I hear in response, when I ask my clients:
"What was most valuable from this last hour?"
These are...
→ C-suite executives
→ Incredibly seasoned & effective
→ Some of the smartest people I've come across...
🔴 (YET) 🔴
The topics we're unpacking are so complex
that they're often stuck without
a clear path forward
on their own.
(Until we meet)
~50% of the time when I ask that question,
clients point to:
• A crucial decision we've landed upon
• A new framework I have introduced them to
• A key insight serving as a massive unlock for them
But the rest of the time, it's often...
→ Pragmatic
→ Simple
→ Clear
It's always so surprising to me.
Yet, I get it.
Few things feel worse
than being stuck in a complex,
high-stakes, high-pressure scenario...
without clarity on what you can / will do next.
🟩🟩🟩🟩 ACTION 🟩🟩🟩🟩
locked in analysis & stressed by the weight
of high-stakes, high-pressure complexities...
and we can discuss how you might benefit
from an independent Operating Partner (iOP).