4 years ago today, I launched this business.
Over the weekend a client sent me this email:
Hey Zito,
Just wanted to say 'thank you' and
express how much I’ve benefited
from working together.
Before I was operating out of stress & anxiety
that I wasn’t doing the right things,
both to support my org
and individually with my own mandate.
Working with you has given me clarity
on what to do, and how to be more effective
as a leader, and as an exec with my own workload.
I’m actually confident we’ll hit our number this year
(instead of just hoping we will).
That confidence has spilled over
into other areas of my life as well.
I’ve got more energy and excitement to tackle
my other responsibilities outside of work
because I’m leaving the work day
w/o a gnawing sense of things
left undone or partially done.
I appreciate you
and want you to know
the impact you’re having.
See you next week!
[name redacted]
I've been given permission to share this note
having purely reformatted it for easier reading
and having removed their name.
This client runs an org
within a $Billions valuation
publicly-traded household name.
→ The most seasoned #CEOs and #executives
often don't have clarity on what to do
🔺(but have to make like they do) 🔺
→ The most successful #CEOs and #executives
often have a great deal of anxiety
🔺 (but have to make like they don't) 🔺
→ The most pragmatic #CEOs and #executives
often operate out of hope
🔺(but present it as confidence) 🔺
This makes sense. #CEOs are only human.
My solution for them has been:
(1) Reliable, pragmatic toolkits + frameworks
(2) A true operating partnership
(3) Strategy + Execution
Clear, tactical actions to solve
big, complex problems
The result is:
• $10's Million in business impact.
• And then the personal impact this exec feels.
• And unsolicited notes of thanks like the one above.
(This is the best job I've ever had)
🟩🟩🟩 MAKE MY DAY 🟩🟩🟩
and need to solve problems with
and want help refining #Strategy
while improving #Execution
We can have a casual exploratory chat.
It would make my day.
And maybe yours.